Plants & Farming

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How to Start a Medical Marijuana Dispensary

In most U.S. states, it is legal to use cannabis for medicinal purposes. This has led to a lot of growth in the marijuana dispensary business offering a range of cannabis strains required to fulfill patients’ prescriptions.

Opening your dispensary is a great way of tapping into this growing market which promises handsome returns. But, unlike many other businesses, you can’t just randomly open a medical cannabis dispensary. There are laws and regulations you need to be aware of in addition to th

ᐉ When Can I Harvest Marijuana? ᐉ

Most plants have a specific period of maturity at which you get the most yield and the best nutritional value. Weed is no different. The optimal harvesting period is when the plant’s potency is at its peak. Harvesting too early will give you a low yield with leaves that are too weak. On the flip side, waiting for too long can make your leaves have a bitter taste. Leaves that are too mature have more cannabinoids, which induce a sleepy effect and not the desired ‘high’ that enhances productivity.

Cannabis Nutrient Burn: Identify + Tips From Our Expert - AMSB

Ever since the legalization of the use of marijuana for medical use in 35 U.S states, the cannabis business has grown to be very profitable. Taking care of cannabis plants is a venture that employs more than three hundred thousand people across the US. Legal marijuana business generates an upward of $13 billion in revenue annually.

Clearly, the cannabis business has a lot of potential, especially as the push to legalize it for both medical and recreational use across the whole country is on the

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