Digital Marketing

Social Media Services - Quality Engagements

Social media has opened a new avenue of marketing, and innovative businesses understand the utility of social media marketing when broaching new markets. If your business is new to Japan, using an experienced digital marketing company for social media marketing in Japan can save you a lot of money and generate impressive revenues even within the initial years of operation.

Custom Media is a human-centered creative agency that helps international clients to break into the Japanese market. Our kn

Tips on How To Optimize Facebook Ads | Improve Your Facebook Ad Conversions

Facebook offers your business multiple conversion options. These can include viewing content found on your site, liking or adding items to a wishlist, purchasing, or initiating checkout. The platform also allows you to create your own conversion goals based on what you want your marketing efforts to achieve. Determining your conversion goals is important in creating a successful Facebook ad campaign.

Humans are visual creatures, especially if they are looking to make a purchase. Research shows

Japan's Artistic and Engaging Advertising That Converts

The direct-to-consumer (D2C) model is popular in the 21st century because it gives a business total control of the brand, allowing direct customer interactions. Expanding to Japan is a logical step that exposes your D2C company to a market that, according to Statista, will generate more than $335 billion in revenue for businesses in the next six years.

However, to truly tap into this growing market, your company needs to deploy effective marketing campaigns that Japanese consumers respond to. E

Addiction Treatment Email Marketing

Segmenting your contact list is part of good addiction treatment email marketing efforts for drug rehab centers. The process makes it easy to create quality content for a target audience that needs it.

Divide the addresses on your email list according to subscribers’ interests and characteristics. For example, create separate lists for people seeking addiction treatment for themselves and those who want to support loved ones in rehab centers.

Relevant questions in your email capture forms can

Mental Health Email Marketing

Address each subscriber by name and use the second-person perspective throughout your content to show prospective clients you care about them. Moreover, use contact list segmentation to ensure your messages reach the right audience. For example, dividing your contact list ensures you don’t accidentally send welcome emails to everyone on your email list whenever you get a new subscriber.

Sending messages about your services or asking people to book a therapy appointment shouldn’t constitute the

How to Create a Killer Pitch for Your Cannabis Business

Just like any other business, you will need to approach tons of people and convince them to invest in your cannabis business. However, if you go in front of investors and ramble before begging for money, chances are you will not get even a dime. Here’s where a killer pitch comes in.

Whether you want friends and families to invest or are interested in attracting big equity financiers, your pitch needs to be impressive. But, what exactly is a pitch? And how do you create a killer pitch for a cann

5 Best Cannabis Startups

Cannabis is legal in some form in 44 out of 50 states in the U.S. This has led to a rise in the number of new cannabis companies looking to modernize the research and distribution of cannabis. These companies have grown tremendously in the past 5 years. What this means, of course, is that there are a lot of cannabis businesses that you can invest in now that have a big capacity for growth in the coming decade. So which cannabis startups should you be on the lookout for? Here’s a list of 5 of the

How to Raise Funding for Your Cannabis Business

So you have the perfect idea for a marijuana business. You can see it in your head: it will change the cannabis market and make you tons of money. But, the thought that you need money now to make money in the future quickly brings you back to earth.

Whether you want to start a marijuana dispensary operated by robots, a cannabis extract factory, or even a platform for cannabis growers to seek customers, you need capital. Depending on the business, the amount you will need can vary from a few hun

Best Marijuana Tech Companies

Whatever your views on cannabis, there are plenty of marijuana tech companies springing up and capitalizing on a booming industry. Legalizing this recreational drug in different parts of the world has opened up new opportunities that we can’t ignore.

With a booming market, innovation follows. And, startups are creative about how the weed industry engages a growing customer base. Here, we highlight various marijuana tech companies and the contributions they make to the industry.

If you’ve been

Different Types of Backlinks You Really Need For Your Business

Editorial backlinks: these are links that have editorial mentions to your site. Editorial mentions refer to when an authoritative website mentions and links to your website in one of their articles, e.g. Mayo Clinic website adding a link to your small medical practice’s website. To get an editorial backlink, create relevant, credible, high-quality that is worth using as a source by established websites.

Free tool links: one of the best ways to get backlinks is by creating a tool for free. The t

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