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Tips to Prepare for an Upper Endoscopy | Endoscopy Procedure Preparation

Let’s be honest: nobody wants an endoscopy. Unfortunately, at some point in our lives, many of us will need to undergo a medical procedure that necessitates just that.

Upper endoscopy, also known as an EGD, is one such procedure. It is a non-surgical way for doctors to look at the digestive tract so that they can diagnose and treat some gastrointestinal diseases and disorders.

The procedure covers the esophageal tract, stomach, and the upper part of the small intestine. It is used to determine

5 Things To Know About Body Image After Weight Loss

Starting your weight loss journey is exhilarating, especially once you start noticing signs of progress. However, instead of riding the high of positive change, you might find yourself worried and anxious. You might constantly wonder, “What will I look like after weight loss?”

The mental strain of losing weight is not often highlighted. There are a lot of body image issues after weight loss that you need to know about and equip yourself with ways to combat them. Here are the 5 most common issues.

Should You Exercise After Bariatric Surgery?

Many people think their lives will dramatically change after bariatric surgery and all the weight they struggled to lose will magically fall off. This misconception is largely due to the fact that bariatric surgery changes the amount of food you can eat. Unfortunately, weight loss surgery is not a quick fix. Losing and keeping off the lost weight is a life-long process.

While post-bariatric surgery diets include eating fewer food calories, exercise is your best bet for having consistent and permanent weight loss. So what do you need to know about exercise after weight loss surgery?

Do I Qualify For Weight Loss Surgery?

If you have struggled to lose weight with little success, you might be thinking of getting weight loss surgery. Your desire for bariatric surgery may be intensified if you have to deal with obesity-related health conditions like sleep apnea, problems with movement, or diabetes. One of the most common weight-loss surgeries in the US is a gastric sleeve. It is a procedure where the stomach is divided so that you only use up to 25% of it. The result is reducing the amount of food you can eat so you can gradually lose weight.
Bariatric surgery is effective and beneficial to your health, so you might be wondering: who qualifies for gastric sleeve surgery?

How You Can Manage Your Cravings After Weight Loss Surgery

So you have had weight loss surgery, you are on a healthier eating schedule, and are exercising more than ever before. Life is good. But what happens when you suddenly miss a Subway Footlong in the middle of the night? Or when you desire a large bag of tortilla chips so badly you can almost taste it on your tongue?

Cravings are a common human experience. They can happen to anyone, anywhere, regardless of whether their stomachs are full or not. Many people conflate cravings and hunger, which is a mistake. Unlike hunger, cravings after weight loss surgery are completely psychological. The memory, pleasure, and reward centers of your brain become activated when you crave a particular food or snack. The feeling of wanting that food can be so intense that you can actually smell or taste it. When you give in and eat the food you desire, your next bout of cravings will be more intense because the memory of the food is more recent.

How Do I Choose A Bariatric Surgeon And Center?

Weight loss surgery is one of the most important decisions people make for their health. It is a life changing procedure that, like most surgeries, can be life threatening. Choosing the right doctor and hospital is necessary if you are to avoid the risks associated with the procedure.

How To Choose A Bariatric Surgeon
Bariatric surgery involves modifying a part of your digestive system, whether it is the stomach or the small intestine. It is an invasive procedure that requires expert hands. So what kind of doctor does weight loss surgery? Contrary to what many people think, bariatric doctors are different from bariatric surgeons. While a bariatric doctor will help you come up with a diet and exercise regime that will help you lose weight, a bariatric surgeon will perform the actual weight loss surgery.

Myths And Misunderstandings About Obesity And Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is a common problem that affects close to 40% of Americans. Despite the body positivity movement of today, misconceptions about obesity endure. Those who opt for obesity and bariatric surgery often have to deal with a lot of weight loss myths. The first step to combating the obesity problem is to examine and debunk the myths about obesity.

Myths About Obesity & Bariatric Surgery
Obesity Is Caused By Overeating
Many people, online and offline, look at the body structure of obese people and think they spend every waking hour on their couch eating. It is often said that obese people need to cultivate self-control and eat less. However, studies have shown that obesity can result from biological factors like genetics. Cultural beliefs can also influence people’s weight.

14 Things You Should Know About VSG Surgery

Weight loss surgery is increasingly popular, and VSG procedure is a common weight loss procedure.

What Is VSG Surgery?
Also known as a vertical sleeve gastrectomy, it is a procedure where the size of your stomach is reduced. Your new stomach can only hold 2 ounces of food at a time, so you lose weight this way. As a weight loss surgery, VSG is a life-changing procedure, and there are essential things you should know before, during, and after the procedure.

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